Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Photo A Day Challenge Photos

At the end of the Photo-A-Day Challenge (which can been explained at viewed at kandncraziness.blogspot.com) I planned to put all of my photos on my blog just because I'm proud of them lol But, that never happened so now that I have a moment, here they are :)

Please view bigger ----->

Not all of them are spectacular but I have my favorites (the rainbow clouds, rainy night, and spider) and they did what was expected, got me to look at the world around me in a different perspective. Now, months later I still see something and think about what angle I would take a picture at to make it look the best. I enjoyed it and I hope everybody following along did too :)


Perry said...

Great series, the photo a day. It is hard to do and takes a lot of time but the more you do it the better you become at photographing your environment. The cool thing is to see your work evolve and compare where you started to where you are. Try it for a year. Fun, but hard work. I think I would add the cat and the donuts to the list of best.

Good job!

Crimson Kisses said...

Thanks Perry! I like the one of Cosmo (my cat) too!
And as far as the 'donuts' go, I love that one but they're not donuts, they're pretzels from a bag of chex mix :]